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April 12, 2007


andy fine

The national letter of intent creates an unfair playing field. Any coach can back out of contract; any professor can move to another school; any citizen can back out of a mortgage or switch jobs at will--none of these people have to sit out a year unproductively like athletes. The intent was to not have players pick schools by who coaches the team, but because they like the school--but this is fantasyland for big time college sports, and even baseball, track, soccer, lacrosse, etc. where the athletes choose a school for the coach not the school itself.

The NLI could not hold up in court if the NCAA were not a "voluntary" organization. But if you can't go pro out of high school legally, as in hoops/football, you have no other choice but to go to a college thru the NCAA--the NCAA should not be able to set up rules in public government funded institutions that would not hold up to constitutionality in the public realm.


Coaches know the game...win or be fired. Why should there be any loyalty or reward for molding fine young men or high graduation rates? It's all about the money.

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